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of the lady

"of the lady"的翻译和解释


  • Yes , i saw her . the dining - room doors were thrown open ; and , as it was christmas - time , the servants were allowed to assemble in the hall , to hear some of the ladies sing and play
  • Merciful providence had been pleased to put a period to the sufferings of the lady who was enceinte which she had borne with a laudable fortitude and she had given birth to a bouncing boy
    彼曰: “该怀孕妇女曾以可钦之刚毅忍受阵痛,而上苍大发慈悲,已结束其苦难,使之生下一名强壮男婴。
  • Some priests , nuns and researchers spend a great deal of time shepherding or observing shopping - bag ladies and are doing what they can to better the life of the lady hermits who are down
  • Master was standing on stage in the smoke , as my vivid dream from 1983 came back into my mind . flashes of the lady in the quan yin bodhisattvas room came back to me and i recognized her
  • Judge blount recovered himself and attempted to go on , addressing himself to martin with an assumption of politeness that the latter understood was for the benefit of the ladies
  • Till one year , one of the ladies married here , her hometown was koutou , when she saw this pine tree , she said , this tree is the one at the maitreya top . some people didnt believe
    她扒缸口一看: “啊呀,这不是我娘家弥勒顶上的露头松吗! ”可人们不肯相信,口头村山后的松树,怎么能跑到郑重庄人家水缸里来呢?
  • Walk along fa yuen street to mong kok road , turn right and cross the road to reach another section of tung choi street , the starting point of the ladies market . ladies market don t be deceived by the name
  • I am so enchanted by the wit and culture of the society especially of the ladies in which i have had the happiness to be received , that i have not yet had time to think of the climate , he said
    “我有幸加入你们的社会,你们的社会,尤其是妇女社会的那种优越的智慧和教育,真叫我神魂颠倒,因此我哪能事先想到气候呢。 ”他说。
  • Yes , indeed : and not only for her beauty , but for her accomplishments . she was one of the ladies who sang : a gentleman accompanied her on the piano . she and mr . rochester sang a duet
    “是呀,一点也不错,不仅是因为她的漂亮,而且还因为她的才艺,她是那天演唱的女士之一,一位先生用钢琴替她伴奏,她和罗切斯特先生还表演了二重唱。 ”
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